
1. 2001 Population data for the Rh D factor and RhD neg allele

Steve Mack, Post-doc/Fellow, Molecular and Cell Biology, Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute

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Population Rh(D) Neg Rh(D) Pos Rh(D) Neg alleles 
African Americans ∼ 7% 93% ∼ 26% 
Albania 10.86% 89% weak D 1.4%
Basques 21%–36% 65% ∼ 60%
Britain 17% 83%
China < 1% > 99%
Ethiopians 1%–21% 99%–79%
Europeans (others) 16% 84% 40%
India 0.6%–8.4% 99.4%–91.6%
Indonesia < 1% > 99%
Japan < 1% > 99%
Koreans < 1% > 99%
Madagascar 1% 99%
Moroccans 9.5% 90.5%
Moroccans (High Atlas) ∼ 29% 71%
Native Americans ∼ 1% 99% ∼ 10%
Nigeria 6% 94%
Saudi Arabia 8.8% 91.2% 29.5%
Subequatorial Africa 1%–3% 99%–97%
United States 15% 85%

1 comment:

  1. If you’re questioning where the rh- came from and looking at this chart from a biblical perspective my first question would be who is the father in common with these tribes? I see Abraham here.
